Thursday, May 3, 2007

What Government's can do to help reduce CO2

The Government is a very big part to solve this problem in my opinion. If they set some rules then people will have to obey or they will be having strict consequences towards not obeying.

There are many rules the government can put for example they can allow each house to own only 2 cars because as we can see in the U.A.E every house has at least 4 or 5 cars.

They can also stop people cruising at night because if we go to corniche sometimes we will find people not having any place to go to but only moving around with their car's for hours .

Maybe they can reduce some hours of companies working if it does not affect the economic very badly.

Taxi can be stopped moving around at night looking for people and people can call the taxi if they need it then he can go and pick them up. Because if we see the number of Taxi's in the streets at night looking for costumers these huge numbers are producing a great amount of CO2 .

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