Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Global Warming

What is Global Warming ?

Global Warming is when the temperature of the earth starts to increase gradually due to green house gases for example CO2 which is caught by the atmosphere. Long time ago there were not as much cars or factories that produce Carbon emissions so there was no threat unlike nowadays the world is growing more and more economically and as we can see factories are increasing daily and also cars are getting more in number because it became a very important way of transportation. This economical growth is producing a great amount of Carbon which is affecting the earth now.

People are not taking the global warming problem seriously at all. Total ignorance is the response of people about this subject. If this problem goes on and grows there will be a lot of sudden climate changes like the Hurricane Katrina which is said that it had happened from global warming. We could expect more of these terrifying hurricanes along with flooding or many other climate disasters if this problem is not solves at once.

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