Friday, May 4, 2007

What we as people can do to reduce CO2

Here are some things we can do as people:

  1. Switch off your lights whenever you leave the house or a room that you won't use.
  2. Change your car filters from time to time.
    Stop cruising around the city for a long period of time in the car. Cars are here for transportation, take you from one place to another and not to spend alot of time cruising around the city.
  3. Find less/cheaper ways to cool your house and turn off the AC's whenever your not around and save electricity.
  4. Stop using computers for a long time, and whenever your not using it shut it down because leaving it on consumes alot of energy.
  5. Buy a good vehicle that does not burn alot of fuel and produce alot of carbon emissions.
  6. If you are a manager in a company or a school, encourage the employees to minimize energy loss in the premises by awarding them.
  7. Walk more, but this problem isn't from citizens, it's from the government which will be talked about on the next post.

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